I'm no physics kid but I have heard that Einstein said time was relative. Okay, Albert, I gotta say I never believed you more than when I was reading Augustine's On Free Choice of the Will for my Philosophy class. I was able to read the last Harry Potter book in less than 2 days yet somehow this little flimsy book seems to consume my life like no other book.
Time always drags when there is BS going on.
Two nights ago I had my second philosophy class nightmare. I dreamed that a paper was due and I found out that it was due a week before I found out I even had to write a paper. Now second may question, then what was the first.
In my first philosophy class nightmare included my class' TA ( a doctoral student with what could be the prettiest and shiniest hair I've ever seen on a man) holding an apple in front of the class. Half of the apple was red and half of the apple was green, it was as if someone had painted it lengthwise.
"What color is the apple?!" he would ask the class.
I tried to answer him but when I tried he threw the apple at us as said," I don't care what you think! Argue about it!"
Next he held up a spork and asked, "Is it a spoon or a fork!?"
Once again I tried to answer but once again he yelled, "I don't care what you think! Argue about it!" and threw the spork at me.

After telling this nightmare to about everyone I know, because looking back it is a perfectly hilarious metaphor for how I feel in classes sometimes, one of my friends sent me a link that pretty much floored me. The picture showed the apple from my dream. I thought it was kinda totally cool.
Philosophy class nightmare... let's hope the second one was the last one you get about it. But the pic really looks cool.